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Color HWB 66240°, 24%, 25%
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Color composition

Percentage of source colors needed to create this color
RGB and CMYK are different color models: RGB is additive and it's used on screens, while CMYK is subtractive and it's used on prints. RGB uses white as a combination of all primary colors and black as the absence of light. CMYK, conversely, uses white as the natural color of the print background and black as a combination of colored inks.
RGB composition
CMYK composition

Color conversion

Representations of this color for each color space
Every color can be represented by a combination of different values with different meanings.
RGB open »
Red Green Blue
23.92% 71.76% 74.9%
RGB - Normalized
Red Green Blue
0.24 0.72 0.75
HSL open »
Hue Saturation Lightness
183.69° 51.59% 49.41%
HSL - Normalized
Hue Saturation Lightness
0.51 0.52 0.49
HWB open »
Hue Whiteness Blackness
66240° 24% 25%
HWB - Normalized
Hue Whiteness Blackness
184 0.24% 0.25%
Hue Saturation Value / Brightness
183.69° 68.06% 74.9%
HSV / HSB - Normalized
Hue Saturation Value / Brightness
0.51 0.68 0.75
CMYK open »
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
68% 4% 0% 25%
Y Cb Cr
0.58 0.1 -0.24
28.26 38.62 55.26
L a b
68.48 -30.39 -13.88

Web Colors

Colors can be used on a website using CSS
Use one of these values interchangeably for any CSS property that accept a color as a value: color, background-color, border-color.
rgb(61, 183, 191)
hsl(184, 52%, 49%)

Tints, Shades, and Tones

Mixing black and white to change color brightness
A tint is a mixture of a color with white, this will increase lightness. A shade is a mixture with black and this increases darkness. A tone is a mixture of a color with gray, it's used to control saturation.
Tints of color #3db7bf


A tint is obtained by adding white to a color. This process reduces darkness.
Shades of color #3db7bf


A shade is obtained by adding black to a color. This process increases darkness.
Tones of color #3db7bf


A tone is produced either by mixing a color with grey, or by both tinting and shading.

Color Harmonies

Schemes of colors that work well together
Harmonies are color combinations on the color wheel created choosing colors at specific angles calculated from the original hue.
Complementary Harmony Color Scheme of #3db7bf


180° - Complementary color scheme is made using the opposite color in the color wheel (180 degrees difference). It creates the strongest contrast and each color stands out. The opposite color of #3db7bf is #bf443d.
Triad Harmony Color Scheme of #3db7bf


120° - Triad color scheme is made dividing the color wheel in three. Each color is 120 degrees apart from the other. Usually one color is the dominant and the other two colors are used as accents. If #3db7bf is the dominant color, its accents would be #bf3db9 and #b9bf3d.
Square Harmony Color Scheme of #3db7bf


90° - Square color scheme is made dividing the color wheel in four parts. Each color is 90° degrees apart from the other. This scheme is very balanced because it spans equally along the color wheel creating two warm colors (#853dbf, #bf443d) and two cool colors (#3db7bf, #78bf3d).
Adjacent Harmony Color Scheme of #3db7bf

Adjacent / Analogous / Analogic

± 30° - Adjacent color scheme is made picking colors near each other in the color wheel. The other colors are 30 degrees apart from the main color. This scheme is very harmonious and it is useful for having multiple colors of similar hue. With #3db7bf we can pick #3dbf85 at 30° clockwise and #3d78bf at 30° counterclockwise.
Split Complementary Harmony Color Scheme of #3db7bf

Split Complementary

180° ± 30° - Split complementary color scheme is like complementary scheme but instead of picking the exact opposite it uses two colors at ± 30° from the complementary. This scheme has a strong visual contrast but lower tension than the complementary scheme.
Rectangle Tetradic Harmony Color Scheme of #3db7bf

Rectangle / Tetradic

60° - Rectangle color scheme is made up of two complementary pairs. The first pair is like the complementary scheme, the second one is tilted 60 degrees.
- 60° - The color scheme variant is made by tilting the second complementary scheme in the opposite direction.
Pentagram Harmony Color Scheme of #3db7bf


72° - Pentagram color scheme is full of color, it spans over the color wheel and every color is 72 degrees apart from each other. It is very useful when you need a lot of colors that go well together.